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LINQ wins the EmprendeXXI Award of the Basque Country!


LINQ has been considered the start-up with highest potential in the territory

Today we have taken a great joy in the Day One Innovation Summit in the Basque Country, winning the 15th edition of the Emprende XXI Awards in the Basque Country.

LINQ has won in the final against four other great projects: Alterity, Kuvu, ScrapAd and Trak. To all of them, our warmest congratulations for the quality of their presentations and their businesses.

And of course, our heartfelt thanks to the jury, Caixabank DayOne, Enisa and SPRI for organizing this award and for considering us the company with the greatest potential in the Basque Country.

The EmprendeXXI Awards are an initiative promoted by CaixaBank through DayOne, the service for technology companies and investors, which aims to identify, recognize and support young companies with the greatest growth potential. These awards are co-sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness through Empresa Nacional de Innovación, S.A. (ENISA) in Spain and Banco BPI in Portugal, and have the support of more than 130 reference entities involved in the development of innovative companies. In this edition, 44 start-ups were presented in the Basque Country. 

Now we can enjoy a magnificent award, which includes an economic endowment of 6,000 euros, access to specialized international training provided by ESADE and experts from Silicon Valley and the opportunity to participate in the Investors Day Emprende XXI, a day where we can make contact with various investment entities. We are looking forward to the day!